> From: Daniel Ruckel 
> Can I convince someone in this group to share their experience/s
> converting D3 to UniData?

As someone who uses both platforms I'd have to ask why anyone would
want to do such a thing. I support clients and products on both
platforms - there's no big difference. As someone who has probably
used every MV platform in existence since the early 80's (like many
here), I'm telling ya, I don't see anything compelling in a sideways
move. Migration is mostly just a huge, very time consuming (months
typically), and costly annoyance. So as to experience - yeah, it's a
lot of work for no significant purpose.

If you have a beef with your VAR, change your support provider. No
need to change the DBMS too - that's babies and bathwater... As far as
TigerLogic, they had some shaky times some years ago and it cost them
some business, but they really straightened out. Management is on the
ball and Support is on par with everyone else, for better or worse. I
know a number of people made Business decisions in the past to leave
Raining Data, but that was because they weren't pleased with pricing
or support, not for technical reasons. Those business dynamics have
changed. These days I can't see any company really making a sideways
move like this because there's nothing That compelling going on in our
market right now - it's all just vendors fighting for one another's

That said, InterSystems brings a lot to the table technically and in a
business sense, but even they have all but said if you aren't going to
really build on their platform, they don't want just another sideways
migration - you aren't going to give them anything to brag about
unless you really take advantage of what they offer. And the same goes
for migration amongst any of the other MV platforms.

Which leads to the ultimate (pun intended) question here - Why are you
even considering a migration, and why in the world is Unidata even on
the list of options?


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