The title of this thread should probably be SpoolerPlus
I think SpooerPlus is something else....




-----Original Message-----
From: David Taylor <>
To: U2 Users List <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 23, 2012 8:42 am
Subject: Re: [U2] <Sales> SpooerPlus for converting D3 to UniData

Hi Danny,

As a VAR who has both installed and moved application software from
several generic Pick DBMSs to both  Universe and  Unidata, I concur that
there is little difference in end result, particularly in exchange for the
time-consuming effort and thankless misery in making the change.

One area not often mentioned is that the print spooler in Universe/Unidata
is totally different than the generic Pick print spooler. You no longer
have a Print Queue in which to HOLD  your print jobs or in which to leave
print jobs without an assigned printer until a printer can be assigned to
print them.

In addition, each SP-ASSIGN command embedded in  your code or used by your
Users at TCL to assign your print jobs to a Print Queue will have to be
re-written in the form of a SETPTR command to assign your print job to
print directly on a specific printer (if there is one available).  This
can be thousands of SP-ASSIGN commands in a single Account in some
software applications.

To solve this problem, however, we offer SpoolerPlus, which provides a
generic Pick Print Spooler on Universe and Unidata.  No SP-ASSIGN commands
to be modified, no User retraining to be completed, no need to purchase
more printers, no problem.

Plus, SpoolerPlus enables  you to reconfigure your printers on-the-fly for
each print job, whether on doz or nix, just like Windows printers are
automatically reconfigured for each print job sent to them.

You can learn more about SpoolerPlus at sysmarkinfo dot com or by
contacting davet at sysmarkinfo dot com.

You are welcome to contact me on this list or directly with any additional

Best wishes for a successful conversion if you choose to take that course
of action,


> Can I convince someone in this group to share their experience/s
> converting
> D3 to UniData?
> Thanks,
> Danny
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