Again, there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. One of the largest consumers of time is figuring out how UniData does essentially the same thing D3 does. This can be quite frustrating. Each site is different, as I've learned through communicating with others.

Several examples of things to address would be, in no particular order, backups, lists, BASIC syntax, @ variables, casing, screen paging, getting the query processor into PICK mode, indexes, PROCs, term-types, virtual dictionaries (aka correlatives), etc. Don't expect much help from Rocket but you will, however, get a lot of help from the gracious people on this list, and that's plenty of help!

Most of our code went through Adds, GA, and R83 before we went to D3. We didn't incorporate too much D3-specific stuff to our application. Yet I had a tremendous amount of work to perform when converting to UniData and, it seemed, had an interminable amount of things go wrong when I tried running our application.

As Brian notes, it can all be overcome, so don't get too frustrated. You should have a good plan, from the preparation of the D3 account, to the backup on D3, to the restore on UD to the dictionary conversions, to the BASIC code conversion, to the dictionary conversions, to the testing, to the implementation.

One thing I'll note; it would have been impossible doing this using the neanderthal line editor and tcl command line supplied with UniData. Do yourself a favor and get a screen editor and a tcl-shell program to operate from. Check out AccuTerm and the wiki.

Untitled Page

----- Original Message -----
*To:* 'U2 Users List' <>
*Date:* 11/22/2012 9:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [U2] converting D3 to UniData
As others have said, it largely depends on how vanilla your d3 application

Things like the %-operations in FlashBasic will need special treatment as
will any user exits, there are equivalents to %open() in the socket api and
the sequential file operations but they will need converting over. Obviously
if you're using the header files in dm and such like, they will need

At the file system level you don't have the structural files like SYSTEM
(UniVerse has a near equivalent in UV.ACCOUNT) and the VOC which is the
equivalent of the MD is a regular file, so MD and DICT MD are not the same.
File and field names are case sensitive as is searching in the enquiry

If you're using dictionaries, UniData (unlike UniVerse) only supports the
PRIME style and doesn't have the implicit fields *A1 etc.
Controlling/dependent series are handled as associations, and T-correlatives
become TRANS() functions that use regular delimiters between values when
passed multivalued keys. More legible, though.

Q pointers will also cause problems, these need to be changed to F types on
UniData (supported on UniVerse though).

There are differences in the enquiry language but many of these can be
sorted by setting the UDT.OPTIONS which are runtime flags determining how
certain operations work.

Integration with the underlying OS is generally quite different, e.g. you
can't use the copy (d)os: command, you would just create a file pointer to a

The middleware of choice is UniObjects, much nicer than the D3 equivalents
IMHO but again not compatible.

These are just the first things off the top of my head - basically there are
lots of little things to consider, but all surmountable given time and a
good test bed.

Note that you can download personal editions of both UniVerse and UniData
from the Rocket website to become familiar before you start to get in too


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Daniel Ruckel
Sent: 22 November 2012 03:59
Subject: [U2] converting D3 to UniData

Can I convince someone in this group to share their experience/s converting
D3 to UniData?



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