DataStage was originally created by VMARK, using UniVerse 9.4 as its underlying engine 
and UniVerse Objects for communication between its client and "server" components.  It 
also made use of BCI for communicating with other databases using ODBC protocols, and 
GCI for communication with C-callable database client software.  (It also leveraged 
VMARK's experience at migrating from one database to another (to UniVerse!), for 
example in its understanding that the process needs not just data but, even more 
important, metadata.  It (DataStage) also made use of the BASIC programming language 
in UniVerse to allow users to create their own transformation functions and callable 

As VMARK merged with UniData to become Ardent, which was then acquired by Informix, 
DataStage remained a UniVerse application, with DataStage 5.2 being the last such 
version, being built on UniVerse 9.6.  Some of the DW pieces from the UniData side of 
things became adjoint products (Quality Manger, PRISM Warehouse Executive to name 
two), while some of that technology was incorporated into DataStage.

When Informix, by that time controlled by the ex-Ardent board (and that's an 
interesting story in itself!), sold their databases to IBM, arrangements were put in 
place that both companies would begin from the same base, but development would occur 
separately as the separate products' requirements dictated.  

In particular, it became necessary that the DataStage Engine and UniVerse could run on 
the same machine.  To achieve this, the "home" directory for DataStage is now recorded 
in /.dshome on UNIX platforms, rather than /.uvhome, the RPC daemon runs as dsprcd, 
the deadlock daemon runs as dsdlockd, and so on.  Shared memory identifiers use a 
different key; where UniVerse keys have the form 0xace..., DataStage keys have the 
form 0xdae...  There are a few other changes at this "magic number" level, one 
implication of which is that BASIC code compiled on the one will not run on the other.

No less significant (for ETL performance) are some things that were removed from the 
DataStage Engine as unnecessary.  For example, it does not have a spooler subsystem, 
it does not have networking software like UV/Net.  Some of the configuration 
parameters have different default values, and there are some configuration parameters 
in DataStage that simply do not exist in UniVerse.

Probably the major change in DataStage is the ability to cache hashed files in memory. 
 One of the most heavy-duty tasks in ETL processing is reference lookups; if the 
source can be guaranteed to be in memory these can be very fast.  Since the split, it 
has been possible to cache hashed files in memory for writing, too; when populating 
the hashed file writes to random groups occur into memory then, when they are all 
done, the file is flushed to disk one group at a time, in group order.  Very efficient.

Currently (version 7.0 of DataStage), there is still support for the query langugages, 
paragraphs, even PROCs.  If you were to move to a DataStage site, you could find your 
way around.  Although the preferred design approach is to use the GUI and not to code 
things - this approach is seen as being more easy to maintain, plus there are benefits 
in ease of documentation.

There have been a lot of non-UniVerse things done to DataStage since the split with 
UniVerse; in particular there is a second engine, called Orchestrate, which Ascential 
got when it acquired Torrent Systems.  This is a mechanism for automatically 
generating parallel processing in an SMP or MPP environment.  In a fairly busy burst 
of acquisition, using some of the funds from IBM, they also acquired MetaRecon data 
profiling software from MetaGenix, INTEGRITY data cleansing software from Vality, and 
Mercator most recently of all.  These technologies are integrated into the overall 
scheme of what Ascential calls "Enterprise Data Integration" in which DataStage is 
only one pillar.  Underpinning it all is MetaStage, a technology for managing metadata 
in a semantic fashion so that metadata can be shared with many consumers and providers 
of metadata, such as CASE tools, database management systems, and business 
intelligence tools.

There have been two major releases of DataStage since UniVerse was sold to IBM, 
versions 6.0 and 7.0.  Version 7.1 is due out in a couple of months.  It is still 
recognizably UniVerse under the covers, though there are rumours that a new Engine is 
under development.  We have already seen the beginnings of the likely direction for 
this in version 7.0, in which there is a component (interlude?) in Orchestrate that 
allows BASIC code to be executed, by loading the run machine.  I suspect (personal 
opinion/educated guess only) that the new DataStage Engine will not be obviously 
UniVerse-based, but will continue to be able to do many of the things that UniVerse 
can do, but not all, and quite a few that UniVerse can't do.

In summary I would disagree that DataStage Engine is a stripped down or simplified 
version of UniVerse.  Certainly a couple of unnecessary things have been removed (or 
not put in, such as triggers on base files).  On the other hand, quite a few things 
have been put in, that aren't in - aren't required in - UniVerse.  They're different 
products and, as development of each progresses, I would expect to see greater 
divergence in functionality.  After all, they do quite different jobs.

It is to be hoped that the DataStage engineers (some of whom are ex UniVerse) and the 
IBM U2 engineers continue to exchange ideas.  Ultimately, however, it is not engineers 
who decide product directions.  Recall the Golgafrinchan "B" Ark.

----- Original Message -----
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 21:02:16 EST
Subject: Re: [ot] Peoplesoft migrates to Ascential

Could anyone elucidate a bit on what exactly was meant by saying that Datastage is a 
stipped-down, or more simplified, or more purified or whatever (!) version of Universe?

Like maybe an example, or some details about how exactly Universe was modded into 

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