On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 17:12 +0200, Ralf wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 10:24 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:
> > Ralph, im going to assume a question here. that question would be...
> > "will the ubuntustudio metapackages *require* XFCE?"
> > theres one metapackage right now called ubuntustudio-desktop. that
> > would be the one that would pull XFCE in, and switch DE's. theres no
> > reason why the others should do that, or need to do that, and thats a
> > very valid point that i will keep in mind as we move forward. this
> > question you posed also gave me a great idea. maybe we can just take
> > the current ubuntustudio-desktop (with gnome2), leave it as-is (so
> > there is no maintenance) rename it ubuntustudio-desktop-gnome, and
> > leave that in place as long as gnome2 is around. in that way, a user
> > could install the current ubuntu vanilla, and get switched to the good
> > 'ol gnome current setup that we all know and love by running sudo
> > apt-get install ubuntustudio-destkop-gnome. this package could be
> > around as long as ubuntu has gnome2 in the repo. i will ask how
> > challenging that could be to implement that, unless you would like to
> > take that on Ralph? it would be great if you could help us
> > constructively resolve some of these issues users are having with this
> > UI switch.
> A good idea to provide 2 different desktop meta packages, if somebody
> has the time and knowledge to maintain the GNOME package.
> I might have some time to contribute some work, but I guess not the
> knowledge to help here. Resp. how could I (and perhaps other people)
> contribute something regarding to the DE issue?
> Ralf

PS: Pardon? No maintenance? What's the difference between a Ubuntu
vanilla GNOME and the GNOME by the Ubuntu Studio package?

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