Yes, its a DACMagic.  No selector as there is only a single USB input. 
The led indicator lights show the input frequency so it strongly implies
it is coming through at 44.1 rather than 48 (it upsamples everything to
24/192 internally before conversion).  

But, as I mentioned, I've discounted the DAC as a factor - the same
issue occurs when I switch the output to Analog audio.  I can add both
the low quality mp3 stream via 'Internet radio' (which is 44.1, I think)
and the iplayer HLS stream (which I guess is 48, or at least the Touch
outputs it digitally as 48) as playlist items and switch between the two
and hear the difference in pitch of the music and speech.  With Analog
audio and the USB cable to the DAC unplugged.

It is possible the iplayer app on LMS is causing it (it is an alpha
release) but the Touch manages to play without an issue.

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