On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 4:24 PM Remush <m.remmar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have set it to debug, but all I see is that is running on host
Sorry, there's a lot going on in this thread, and it seems like you're
trying several different things to get things working. Here's what I'd
* Approach the troubleshooting and debugging systematically - make one
change at a time, and work through things in an ordered fashion. If you
think SELinux is causing issues, disable SELinux and then retry. If that
resolves the issue, then you know you need to dig into SELinux-related and
figure out what is blocking it and resolve that. If not, then you can
re-enable it and move to the next thing.
* Simplify your configuration as much as possible. You mentioned in a
previous post that you're using 3 different guacd containers with a VIP and
a load-balancer - it would be better to eliminate this and just do a single
instance on the local host (localhost/, and make sure you get
that working, before trying a load balancer or anything more complex like
* Post as much detail as possible here. You mention you're using Docker,
but that you're running a load balancer, and it's listening on
It's completely unclear *what* is listening on that host/port, and where?
Is that the listening information for the guacd container? Or is that the
listening information on the Docker host? Or is that the listening
information from the load balancer/VIP? Are you managing the Docker
containers manually? Or are you using Compose? Or Ansible? I think I
remember that you were using Ansible to write out the config file, but not
sure if you're also using that to create and start containers? What
configuration are you using on the containers, or what command lines are
you using to create and/or start them? I know that's a lot of questions
that I'm throwing at you - and it may seem like the opposite of
systematically approaching it - but I'm just trying to point out that when
you post little bits of information like above, you create more questions.
The more information you can provide, the fewer times you have to reply to
answer the questions.


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