It was my mistake, I have seen that you responded. And assumed it was this
thread and answered.

After noticing I was in the wrong thread I came back here.

The only relevant thread is here.

Im currently stuck on the SELinux problem, I think at least.

Because my guacd container is listening on
And I still get connection refused.
And I'm not sure how can I verify the guacamole traffic is arriving to the
guacd container.

Another question.
I have 3 guacamole container on 3 different vms. And 3 guacd containers on
those vms as well.

I have Haproxy running on all of the an a VIP with keepalived

Should I point each Guacamole container to the localhost guacd? Or to the
VIP guacd?

On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, 19:45 Michael Jumper, <> wrote:

> On 12/17/23 20:54, Remush wrote:
> > I didn't mean to double post, and I'm not sure that the problem is the
> > guacd?
> >
> That's fine - just please don't duplicate a particular response across
> multiple threads. Doing so hurts the search results in the archives for
> future users that may encounter the same problem.
> When this sort of thing happens, I try to respond as quickly as possible
> to stop the divergence by noting the duplication and including a link to
> the thread with further responses (so that users can find the remaining
> posts, even if they end up in the wrong thread when searching the
> archives).
> You don't have to stop posting to this thread if the thread still has
> relevance; just please confine any further responses regarding the
> response that was duplicated (regarding the formatting and usage of
> guacd.conf) to the other thread.
> - Mike
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