I have not spent any time on IntelliJ after they didn't want to take
Christofer's changes.

The errors that are currently being output might be related to not having:


I think that needs to be set in 0.8.0 and newer.  I don't know how to go
about doing that in IntelliJ, but might be worth a try.


On 8/8/17, 11:25 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <joshtynj...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I just went through the instructions from here again:
>It looks like this part is wrong:
>1- Click on New Global Library, select <FLEXJS_INSTALL_FOLDER>\frameworks
>> and then remove the frameworks\libs\player.
>I think there are actually many more folders that would need to be removed
>from that list with FlexJS 0.8 or newer. I guess no one checked to see if
>these instructions were still working correctly or not. I suspect that not
>many of us contributors use IntelliJ IDEA for FlexJS.
>I think you can get something to work if you add
><FLEXJS_INSTALL_FOLDER>/frameworks/libs instead. Then, remove both
>frameworks/libs/player and frameworks/libs/air.
>Hey contributors, do any of you use IntelliJ for FlexJS? Is what I've just
>said the best way to add the libraries from recent builds of FlexJS? Let's
>get those instructions on the wiki updated because they're giving bad info
>that will turn new users away!
>- Josh
>On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 11:12 AM, After24 <vinc...@after24.net> wrote:
>> Just to be sure, I re-downloaded the nightly in a separate folder and
>> the project, but unfortunately, I get the same error :
>> Information:[helloWorldFlexJS]: Starting Flex compiler:
>> "/Applications/IntelliJ
>> -Dapplication.home=/Users/vincent/development/Apache/flexjs/sdks/0.9.0
>> -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en
>> -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m -classpath "/Applications/IntelliJ
>> IDEA.app/Contents/plugins/flex/lib/idea-flex-compiler-
>> fix.jar:/Applications/IntelliJ
>> IDEA.app/Contents/plugins/flex/lib/flex-compiler.jar:/
>> Users/vincent/development/Apache/flexjs/sdks/0.9.0/lib/
>> flex-compiler-oem.jar"
>> com.intellij.flex.compiler.FlexCompiler 57530
>> Information:[helloWorldFlexJS]: mxmlc
>> -load-config=/Users/vincent/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2017.2/compile-
>> server/helloworldflexjs_890a8fa1/_temp_/IntelliJ_IDEA/
>> idea-61249F45-DF3F2E04.xml
>> -load-config+=/Users/vincent/development/Apache/flexjs/
>> sdks/0.9.0/ide/IDEA/intellij-config.xml
>> -targets=JSFlex
>> -external-library-path+=/Users/vincent/development/
>> Apache/flexjs/sdks/0.9.0/js/libs/js.swc
>> Information:[helloWorldFlexJS]: unknown error
>> Information:[helloWorldFlexJS]: Compilation failed
>> Information:08/08/2017 20:10 - Compilation completed with 5 errors and 0
>> warnings in 8s 201ms
>> Error:[helloWorldFlexJS]: : interface method addEventListener in
>> IEventDispatcher is implemented with an incompatible signature in class
>> Main
>> Error:[helloWorldFlexJS]: : interface method removeEventListener in
>> interface IEventDispatcher is implemented with an incompatible
>>signature in
>> class Main
>> Error:[helloWorldFlexJS]: : interface method dispatchEvent in interface
>> IEventDispatcher is implemented with an incompatible signature in class
>> Main
>> /Users/vincent/development/After24/lab/helloWorldFlexJS/src/Main.mxml
>>     Error:Error:[helloWorldFlexJS]: interface method element in
>> IRenderedObject not implemented by class Main
>>     Error:Error:[helloWorldFlexJS]: interface method element in
>> IInitialViewApplication not implemented by class Main
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://apache-flex-users.
>> 2333346.n4.nabble.com/FlexJS-IDE-integration-tp15638p15657.html
>> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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