On 11/11/2013 11:33 AM, Ken Springer wrote:
> After using LO for awhile, I found and filed a couple of bugs/issues.  I
> wanted to contribute in the area of reporting issues, but I don't have
> the knowledge to fix them.  I didn't expect those problems to go to the
> head of the line.  But I *did* expect them to be put in the queue and
> eventually fixed.
> What I didn't like was being told my issues were not important.  BS!
> It's important to me.
> Let's say you have a car, and every 4th time you go to use it, it won't
> start.  You take it to your mechanic, and each time you do, he tells you
> "it's not important, he's got bigger problems to solve".  Are you going
> to continue to take it to that mechanic, or are you going to find a
> different mechanic?

You didn't provide links to the bugs that you provided, so I really
can't tell if they're crashes every 4th time you start, "I don't like
where the mirror is placed", or something in between problems.  And yes
there is a right way to tell the customer that the issue is either not
one that you get to at this moment or that the majority prefer the
solution solved another way (usually it involves a suggestion of an
alternative technique).
But even though you treat the customer as if they are always right, that
does not mean that they are always right.  Some things the customer is
wrong on.  Some things are out of budget for LO, and some things are
just preferred to be done another way.  The choice has been put in your
court.  You can use LO or you can find another office suite that meets
your needs depending upon the issue.  The best thing about LO is that
you don't have to drop one to take on another.  And not even Microsoft
or Adobe would drop everything and start changing code just because one
user wants a change.  Any company that did that would soon find itself

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