On 2013-11-12 9:53 AM, Philipp Weissenbacher <p.weissenbac...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Tanstaafl,

LibreOffice is using freedesktop.org infrastructure for bug
management software and code repository.

Ok, this doesn't help me any, but ok... ;)

How do I just log into the bug reporting system and search it? Anyone?

This is a list of all LibreOffice bugs

thanks, but I didn't ask for that...

You would eventually discover that when "Getting Involved"...

Nope... clicked that link, still couldn't find a 'Bugzilla Login Page' that I can simply log into (with my user account), then search bugs, check status of or work with bugs I've reported, etc...

Maybe we should rename "Get Help" -> "Bug" to "Report a bug"

That would help for that one issue, but I still don't have a clue how to log into the bug system and work with bugs...

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