They are more powerful in the sense that you can still call any goal
independantly, but still have the flexibility to bind it to a phase
which is part of a well defined life cycle.  You get the best of both
worlds this way.

Perhaps the doxia plugin would work?

Not sure what you are doing in your profile that solves your issue
though. If you give some further info on this, perhaps some of the more
experieced Maven users can provide you with a pure Maven solution.

If you wish to run something independently, you don't need ant or Maven
for this. Run run the executable.

Todd Thiessen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trevor Harmon [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:34 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Are Maven profiles like Ant targets?
> On Dec 16, 2008, at 10:43 AM, Todd Thiessen wrote:
> > You probably want to use a plugin.  For instance you could use the 
> > DocBook plugin.
> >
> > 
> The sdocbook plugin does not work with Maven 2.
> I also tried the more recent docbook plugin:
> But it's in a very alpha stage and lacks basic features (e.g. 
> PDF generation).
> That's why I'm using the AntRun plugin; it gives me access to 
> Ant's Xslt task for transforming DocBook.
> > You will also want to get a better understanding of Maven's build 
> > lifecycle and undertand how lifecycles, phases and goals 
> are related.
> > It is more complex than ant targets but is also far more powerful.
> >
> >
> I'm familiar with the lifecycles, but it's strange you should 
> say they are more powerful than Ant targets because they seem 
> less powerful, at least when using the AntRun plugin. For 
> example, my DocBook AntRun stuff is used for generating 
> developer documentation, so binding it to any of the default 
> lifecycle phases doesn't make sense. The site phase of the 
> site lifecycle is probably the best place to put it, but then 
> it gets tossed in with everything else in that phase. There's 
> no way to run the DocBook stuff by itself; I have to run it 
> along with everything else in the site phase.
> So in that sense, lifecycles are less powerful than Ant 
> targets because they are more coarsely grained. I don't have 
> the same control over what gets run. If, however, I put the 
> DocBook stuff into a separate profile then suddenly I have 
> that control. I don't know how else to get it without profiles.
> Trevor
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