2008/4/10, Simard Adrien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> have downloaded the update 2.4 of Open Office (french version) Since I
> work and use Open Office as well in French as in English, How do I get the
> English dictionnary to correct my work of files ??
> Regards
> Adrien

Bonjour Adrien,

Take a look at this tutorial:

Install the English dictionary if it isn't there yet, use paragraph styles
to tell the speller in which language it has to check which text.
using dutch OOo Aqua Beta 3.0.0 (and older) on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo SRC 680 m241 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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