----- Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Joop <jvdw...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > On 18-11-2016 23:47, Mark Steckel wrote:
> >> Hi folks,
> >>
> >> I'm a complete OVirt newbie trying to set up a self hosted, single server 
> >> and looking for some pointers to get going... (While new to OVirt, I'm 
> >> long time sysadmin so not totally clueless.)
> Welcome :-)


> >>
> >> The server I'm using has a 4-core CPU, 64 GB of ram, and a pair of 500 GB 
> >> SSDs set up with RAID 1 and running CentOS 7.2. (I do not have physical 
> >> access to the server but can get KVM access when required.)
> >>
> >> The goal is to set up this server as a self hosted, single server OVirt 
> >> platform. Nothing mission critical, just want to be able to spin up VMs 
> >> when needed and destroy them afterwards.
> >>
> >> Trying to use OVirt 4.0.4 (now 4.0.5).
> >>
> >> I've read some docs for setting this up including those just below as well 
> >> as a bunch of googling and reading through the list archive.
> >>
> >>    http://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/hosted-engine/
> >>    
> >> http://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/heapplianceflow/
> >>    
> >> http://www.ovirt.org/blog/2016/08/up-and-running-with-ovirt-4-0-and-gluster-storage/
> >>
> >> Every time I execute "hosted-engine --deploy" the process "hangs" when it 
> >> migrates the public IP address to a virtual nic interface. And in this 
> >> case, by "hang" I mean that I lose the connection to the server. I have no 
> >> idea if the process finishes or errors out.
> Can you share logs at this point? Including /var/log/vdsm/* and
> /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/* . If you have KVM access, you
> might manage to get them. Or copy after a reboot.
> Also please share your network configuration. Are you using
> NetworkManager (IIRC unsupported currently)? DHCP? Static IP conf?

I reinstalled the OS (wiping the logs) since my initial email. When/if it fails 
again I will provide the logs.

> >>
> >> So obviously I'm doing something wrong.
> Or it might be a bug.
> >>
> >> I suspect that I need to take care of some network requirement before 
> >> starting. However, I can't find anything in the docs of how to prep the 
> >> server network environment before running "hosted-engine --deploy".
> >>
> >> Should probably also mention that some, if not all of the VMs will need a 
> >> public IP address. The physical server has a /29 to get started.
> >>
> > I have never setup such a server but if you create the ovirtmgmt bridge
> > first then the deploy will leave it alone and you won't lose network
> > connectivity.
> See also [1]. Adding Dan (who wrote this). Best,
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1301879#c1

Comments 4 in the link above mentions an "Installation Guide." Besides the 
"Quick Start Guide" and the links I initially reference I have not seen a 
"Installation Guide". Am I just missing it?


> -- 
> Didi
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