On 30 May 2018, at 13:54, Bill Cole wrote:

On 30 May 2018, at 14:51 (-0400), Grant Taylor wrote:

Since Qualcom transferred the Eudora IP to the Computer History Museum and open sourced the source code, I expect that we will be seeing movement there in. I think I've seen some references to projects to resurrect the code base within days of the announcement.

I wouldn't bet on a successful reanimation of the Eudora corpse for MacOS. My understanding from its developers at the time Qualcomm killed it in favor of re-skinning TBird (which also fizzled) is that the code was unmaintainable and required essentially a full rewrite to keep working on MacOS X given the ongoing rot in the Carbon APIs.

Also, IIRC, messages were kept in mbox-like files. That would certainly not scale well.

Best regards


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