On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 22:39 +0100, Yet Another Ninja wrote:

> your modules are all there already and much of it is already managed as 
> you suggest: they're called rules..  you can even switch them on or off, 
> or add your own "modules" /plugins/modules.
> SA provides an Open Source FRAMEWORK which caters to many millions of 
> systems - if it doesn't fit your needs, use as you wish and/or fork out.
> Many do that with the ruleset - many don't
I'm aware of that, BUT:
- there is resource-specific stuff permanently wired in, e.g. the HABEAS
- there are other rules and modules littered round the net.

AFAIK there is no single reference point or code library where
stripped-out specifics (HABEAS) or independent code can be placed.

> SA devs are volunteers. What's stopping you from actively contributing 
> to the development?
Time and the fact that I'm a C/Java person rather than a Perl maven. 

I have a couple of projects on the boil at present, one being
mail-related. This has an associated SA plugin and rule that is up and
running on my server and will be released as part of the mail-related


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