On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 03:17:38PM +0100, Mikolaj Rydzewski wrote:
> There's no simple answer. Running apache in front of tomcat has advantages:
>    * load balancing / failover
>    * static content handling (I know, tomcat behaves better and better,
>      but some people want to have apache handle this)
>    * easy integration of webapps from remote hosts
>    * probably more...

* no need to fiddle with the weird Java-only truststore library files
  when providing certificates
* no need to discover the specific incantation for your system that
  will allow Tomcat to open low-numbered ports (80, 443) and yet run
  as a nonprivileged user (not an issue on Windows, which lacks the
  notion of "privileged" ports)
* easily throw up an informative page ("service will resume by nn:nn")
  when taking services down for maintenance, instead of returning
* many many well-tested specialty modules for Apache HTTPD should you
  need to do something out of the ordinary

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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