On 21/01/2008, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Fine, this can be a good compromise: documentation written by the
> > skilled community and reviewed by the developers themselves. I'm not
> > that hardcore now, but the more I get into Wicket, the more I'll try
> > to help out as much as I can.
> I just came across http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/wicket-inside.html
> and - though I just skimmed through it quickly - it seems that someone
> (syl?) already made quite an effort explaining how Wicket works
> internally. Pretty cool, and hopefully this will help people in this
> thread who were looking for a more high level (compared to javadocs
> and your debugger) explanation.
> Please, take those documents as your starting point and improve/ ask
> specific questions when you work through them.

While I'd uploaded Dmitry's diagrams, they'd not got replicated
through to the static site until the page was re-edited.  I've just
done so, to trigger the copy, so if you looked at the pages & saw
missing diagrams, please take another look!

> Thanks syl (whoever you are),

Dmitry Kandalov, take a bow!

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