On Saturday 12 January 2008 23:25:43 Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> sure, and all you need to know is that you subclass
> requestcycle.onbeginrequest() and add your own code there and it is
> called at the beginning of the request. why do you need to know the
> sequence of calls that leads to onbeginrequest() being called?

I don't. I can image someone may want to be sure that this method is called 
before anything else he overrides, or to know that he can't get requested 
page at this step, but probably it's a very rare case.

Though creating things like IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy requires knowledge 
about targets and request processor.

On the whole I think it's the matter of knowing the big picture and not using 
framework as a black box. I don't mean everyone should do it.


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