> Separates the code from the templates so the designers don't have to
> checkout the whole project, also keeps all the content in one directory.
> Even though they are dynamic template files for wicket there is a
> certain amount of static stuff that would be nice to be in one place.

If you simply want to separate the file types, you can separate the *.html
files into the src/main/resources directory. That separates the Java code
from the HTML templates, it gives you a completely separate directory tree
for the *.html files and it keeps all the html content in one directory. In
addition, it is standard Maven practice to separate non-Java files into the
src/main/resources directory. All standard Maven builds should work just

Additionally, under Netbeans it seems to me to be rather daft that there
> is a folder is called "Web Pages" in the project view but all it
> contains is image/binary files and the WEB-INF directory.

Just a little background, by definition, Wicket defines a non-traditional
web application structure. It intentionally avoids the use of the web page
directory structure you are likely used to. It turns out that to do what you
are asking, you are actually fighting both Wicket and Maven. Traditional
HTML and JSP pages can be visited directly - but not so with Wicket html
files. They are read in from the classpath and much more tightly bound to an
actual Java class.

Trying to fit your Wicket app into a traditional structure can be done ...
but it is not standard Wicket practice and you're going to end up with
custom configuration that you'll have to manage.

> But the actual
> HTML files end up in the "Source Packages" or worse "Other Sources"
> folder. I understand the reasons for putting them in the source packages
> directories but it's not an ideal solution to my mind and my team.

That is fair. If you're simply after your aforementioned points, try
dropping the *.html files into src/main/resources.


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