Hello Matthias,

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 7:05:58 PM you wrote (at least in

>> | qmail-showctl |grep '[vV]irtual'
> =====================================================================
> virtualdomains:
> Virtual domain: mx2.ebox.at:mx2.ebox.at
> Virtual domain: mailtest.reinprecht.at:mailtest.reinprecht.at
> virtualdomains.lock: I have no idea what this file does.
> =====================================================================

OK, here I don't see two "identically at second level domain" entries.
Are you talking about messages to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' get delivered to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or vice versa? Or is your 'problematic'
domain a different one not listed here?

If the former: what's the output of

egrep '(mx2.ebox.at|mailtest.reinprecht.at)'

If the latter: what happens if you execute

vadddomain -r NEWdomain.at

again? Does the NEWdomain.at now show up in
Or is there any error message when you try to 'add' the domain again?

>> qmail-showctl |grep 'locally.'
> there is no output for 'locally'.

OK. So an accidentally "both delivered to the same local" can be
Best regards
Peter Palmreuther

God gets boring when you let him have his way.

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