We are having an issue getting the VCL working.  It appears to be logging into 
our NAS/NFS box and issuing 'cp' commands and copying the VM files from 
'golden' to 'inuse'.  After the files finish copying, we get an error, ' 
Virtual Machine TECS-ESX-4600-2 not found' (as seen below).  The 
"TECS-ESX-4600-2" is an ESX Host, which VCL seems to reference correctly as a 
host some times, as seen in this line, "--server 'TECS-ESX-4600-2'".  Though 
right after that, it shows, "--vmname TECS-ESX-4600-2".   I am not sure how it 
got in the system as BOTH a server AND a VM.

We are using the virtual appliance 2.1, downloaded via the wiki site.  I did a 
search of the database for TECS-ESX-4600-2 and it only shows up in tables for 
logs and in the 'computername' table, which seems to make sense.  I grepped the 
following directories (recursively) for TECS-ESX:

grep "TECS-ESX" -R /var/www/html
grep "TECS-ESX" -R /opt/vcl
grep "TECS-ESX" -R /etc

Nothing significant turned up.


2009-05-14 17:43:15|6423|34:34|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(5324)|inserted 
computer=1, info, computer state updated to reloading
2009-05-14 17:43:15|6423|34:34|new|esx.pm:load(171)|Entered ESX module, loading 
esx3-linuxtest-v0 on TECS-ESX-4600-2 (on TECS-ESX-4600-2) for reservation 34
2009-05-14 17:43:15|6423|34:34|new|esx.pm:load(183)|VM info command: 
/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/vminfo.pl --server 'TECS-ESX-4600-2' --vmname 
TECS-ESX-4600-2 --username vcl --password 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
2009-05-14 17:43:23|6423|34:34|new|esx.pm:load(186)|VM info output: Virtual 
Machine TECS-ESX-4600-2 not found.2009-05-14 
17:43:23|6423|34:34|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6695)|executing SSH command on|6423|34:34|new| rm -rf /mnt/vcl/inuse/TECS-ESX-4600-2

Any help would be appreciated.


Kris Augustus
Lab Supervisor
College of TECS
East Carolina University

Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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