Hello Rob,

Problem here is, I don't have access to the regular VDR OSD.

I think it's worth using your ubuntu system to get to the vdr interface every now and then..

Which ubuntu are you using?


I had to download and compile xine-lib (for multiple audio streams to work), vdr-1.4.5 (for the development environment) and xineliboutput, then compiled xinelibout to run as a frontend.

(if you want, I can pack my compiled archives up of these environments and let you just run make install on them..)

I'd appreciate that. Thanks.

vdr-sxfe xvdr://vdrserver works to get me a vdr interface and picture. You can even use a remote with it - very nice for watching tv from the bed.

On the server side, compile xineliboutput but don't run a local frontend, allow remote connections.

I am using the deb packages provided by e-tobi at the moment

For windows, I found the vompclient excellent, although no support yet for multiple audio streams. Although it won't solve the problem here of testing the signal level.

I am using VOMP successfully with the Hauppauge MediaMVP. After installing the DirectX SDK the VOMP-Windows Client works ok, but as you've said, it won't solve the signal problem.

I will go and try the ubuntu route.

Thanks for your help.
Best regards

Peer Oliver Schmidt
PGP Key ID: 0x83E1C2EA

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