hello Klaus,

I tried the patch below with a knc1 dvb-c, tt c1500 and tt connect ct-3650
I used a alphacrypt light and I also tried the classic module

always the same behavior - if I zap from encrypted channel to encrypted channel in some situations vdr says "channel not available"
if I reset the cam manually it works again immediately
I also tried vdr 1.4 with my old tt ff c2300 and I had no problems

maybe its a general vdr 1.7.x cam handling problem

any idea - what I can do or test to identify where the problem is?


I had assumed this was due to some problem with CAM keys from the provider expiring, or something. I still intermittantly get "channel not available", but haven't found any way to recreate the problem at will.

I also occasionally have a CAM crash - where the status in goes from "ALPHACRYPT" to "CAM PRESENT" or "CAM READY". A manual reset (or multiple) fixes this, but I get no decryption during a "crash".

...problems I've had to live with for months. Gave up asking and installed an FTA satellite dish for 50% of my mostly watched channels.

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