I wholeheartedly agree with you. I've personally recommended Versions
a few times to my colleagues, and now I feel embarrassed because of
the sluggish updates to Versions. I, along with several others,
continue pushing the Sofa team to speed up development, but I
personally fear that means version 2.0, which will require a new
license. I've been waiting several months for some minor improvements
to Versions. The latest version even introduced some new issues that
interfere with my workflow (ie. the sheet that stays on the screen
when switching apps). I completely empathize with the challenges
involved in software development, but when I also observe some teams
keeping a nice pace with updates to their products, so I know it can
be done. Let's see Versions jump to the front of the pack and get into
the headlines again. It has amazing potential for really raising the
bar on the Mac.


On Oct 30, 9:34 am, Marijn Huizendveld <marijn.huizendv...@gmail.com>
> Hi guys,
> I really hate to ask this question again but I feel I have to. Is a  
> new significant release to be expected anytime soon?
> The reason why I'm asking is I finally convinced some freelance  
> colleagues  of mine to start using SVN. Now they need to buy a client  
> and at the moment I can't really say I'd recommend Versions over  
> Conerstone... The current state makes me consider moving over to  
> cornerstone, I can pitch in with their group license anyway so it  
> won't be that expensive. That's really a pity, I've been using it  
> since the one of the first public betas.
> I do feel bad about it because I really would like to support a  
> product from my hometown and I really admire the products of Sofa but  
> that simply can't be the winning argument.
> Please make me reconsider.
> Kindest regards,
> Marijn Huizendveld
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