Hello Marijn/theDo,

I didn't mean to come across as defensively as I did, sorry about

Having read your messages again I realize you care a lot about

Development of the next release is going in a steady pace and we are
looking forward to present it to you,
and to tell everyone here more about it as soon as possible.  This
release is not a 2.0, so it will be free of charge.

Kind regards,

On Nov 2, 3:27 pm, Ryan <ryan.mcilm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Vincent,
> I'm just curious what Cornerstone currently offers that Versions
> doesn't (This is actually the first I've heard of Cornerstone).  I've
> been pretty happy with Versions so far, but like to stay on top of
> what is current.
> On Nov 2, 7:51 am, Vincent Robbesom <vincent.robbe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello Marijn
> > That's ok Marijn, work has to be done on your site too.. though we're
> > sorry not to be able to live up to your time schedule.
> > Developers aint hanging around lazy doing bits and bites around here,
> > it is really lots of work..
> > The To Do list on the new release is rather huge but it is definitely
> > moving in the right direction.
> > The new Versions will be far more stable, the rough edges will be gone
> > and there is a modest but very functional feature list to
> > implemented.
> > The people that can wait (a little longer) won't be disappointed, I'm
> > sure about that.
> > Maybe you can trial cornerstone..
> > Friendly regards,
> > Vincent
> > On Nov 2, 11:39 am, Marijn Huizendveld <marijn.huizendv...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Vincent,
> > > Unfortunately that isn't the response I was hoping for. Depending on  
> > > my colleagues decision I will now most probably move to Cornerstome.  
> > > This is really such a shame. One would expect at least a estimate  
> > > timeframe could be agreed upon...
> > > Too bad, really, but my patience has run out.
> > > Kind regards,
> > > Marijn
> > > On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:34 AM, Vincent Robbesom wrote:
> > > > Hey guys!
> > > > At this moment there is being worked on the bug reports of Versions.
> > > > The screens, the memory issues and a dozen other things to do...
> > > > However, Since this is not our only product, we don't have any exact
> > > > timeframe yet.
> > > > However we do realize the urge for improvement. No way versions get
> > > > snowed in but things cost time and effort…
> > > > Keep posting on the support site an please be patient.
> > > > Kind regards,
> > > > Vincent
> > > > On Nov 2, 5:49 am, TheDO <webmas...@thedigitalorchard.ca> wrote:
> > > >> I wholeheartedly agree with you. I've personally recommended Versions
> > > >> a few times to my colleagues, and now I feel embarrassed because of
> > > >> the sluggish updates to Versions. I, along with several others,
> > > >> continue pushing the Sofa team to speed up development, but I
> > > >> personally fear that means version 2.0, which will require a new
> > > >> license. I've been waiting several months for some minor improvements
> > > >> to Versions. The latest version even introduced some new issues that
> > > >> interfere with my workflow (ie. the sheet that stays on the screen
> > > >> when switching apps). I completely empathize with the challenges
> > > >> involved in software development, but when I also observe some teams
> > > >> keeping a nice pace with updates to their products, so I know it can
> > > >> be done. Let's see Versions jump to the front of the pack and get  
> > > >> into
> > > >> the headlines again. It has amazing potential for really raising the
> > > >> bar on the Mac.
> > > >> /TheDO/
> > > >> On Oct 30, 9:34 am, Marijn Huizendveld <marijn.huizendv...@gmail.com>
> > > >> wrote:
> > > >>> Hi guys,
> > > >>> I really hate to ask this question again but I feel I have to. Is a
> > > >>> new significant release to be expected anytime soon?
> > > >>> The reason why I'm asking is I finally convinced some freelance
> > > >>> colleagues  of mine to start using SVN. Now they need to buy a  
> > > >>> client
> > > >>> and at the moment I can't really say I'd recommend Versions over
> > > >>> Conerstone... The current state makes me consider moving over to
> > > >>> cornerstone, I can pitch in with their group license anyway so it
> > > >>> won't be that expensive. That's really a pity, I've been using it
> > > >>> since the one of the first public betas.
> > > >>> I do feel bad about it because I really would like to support a
> > > >>> product from my hometown and I really admire the products of Sofa  
> > > >>> but
> > > >>> that simply can't be the winning argument.
> > > >>> Please make me reconsider.
> > > >>> Kindest regards,
> > > >>> Marijn Huizendveld
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