Michael, I am probably going to kick myself and have others do it for
me for keeping this thread alive but I have to comment on what you
have presented.

1. With extremely limited exceptions, freedom of speech is extended to
all Americans. Especially the ones I disagree with. It is not
debatable. It is, to me, my true claim as an American citizen. I dont'
have to like it another point of view. I am equally free to present
information that disputes and or supports that point of view. I don't
care if he got a Pro account or is trying to save some moolah, he has
the right to present his message. 

And for the record, I am a straight-up Moonbat liberal leaning person
who may have minor threads of libertarianism when it comes to giving
money to for-profit corporations that f*cked themselves.

2. Blip.tv is a business. If the campaign paid for pro level usage I
would not expect them to leave cash money on the table. Not in these
times when other video web hosting & distribution companies are going

3. There is passion. There is intolerance. It is getting hard to tell
them apart. I understand what is being invoked by this extraordinary
time in American history. Lies that are being presented as truth.
Racism as a badge of honor. Sexism up the ying-yang and you can now
pick multiple flavors of identity politics.  

One of the current gifts of vlogging now is to tell your truth and
show your proof of how you can to your thoughts. Let me know when you
posted that video, I'll watch. 

In this community you have to respect that not everyone is going to
share your feelings. That is ok. Understand the context of the
feedback. Freedom of speech, the right a business to choose who they
do business with and a politician's right to use media to reach a
target audience. Oh, and my equal right to challenge what I am being told.

Peace and power to the (vlogging) people,


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Schaap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It may sound silly but I am deeply disappointed in Blip.tv for
allowing the McCain campaign 
> to use Blip's services. For crying out loud: All the smear & filth
running from Blip networks... 
> Damn you Blip for this, I think it's a bloody shame!
> http://johnmccain.blip.tv
> as you can see, they're running Blip's player even on the front page
of http://www.johnmccain.com/
> Michael

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