Hi Barb-

25% is  an interesting percentage you arrived at,  and that's something I could 
float, but that could be restrictive for the cinema studies area. It sounds 
like you have a separate video budget as well, which we do not have;  our 
reserves budget provides does provide extra coverage and I collaborate well 
with that dept. to negotiate expenditures.

For series, I was referring to a festival type series, not a multi-volume set, 
whereby someone wants to host weekly film screenings and have the library 
pay/or share in costs as a special event.  Sometimes they choose things that 
are already in the collection, but not always.

I like your $1000 account idea for special events where we could work directly 
with student or faculty groups. Do you sometimes get additional funding from 
student groups/student activities for this as well?  Do you respond to these 
requests first come, first served? How do they apply?

Have a great day!


From: "Bergman, Barbara J" 
Reply-To: "videolib@lists.berkeley.edu<mailto:videolib@lists.berkeley.edu>" 
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 18:21:59 -0400
To: "videolib@lists.berkeley.edu<mailto:videolib@lists.berkeley.edu>" 
Subject: Re: [Videolib] Video Cool Dev.Policies Covering Cost and Special Series

Hi Debra-

We generally limit departments to no more than 25% of their library allocation 
for non-book purchases.
If the title seems multi-disciplinary, I’ll usually pick it up with my video 
budget.  If it’s pricey and rather specialized, we can split the cost between 
their account and mine.
For series, I usually look at per title cost.  They might have to wait awhile.

We’ve been getting more questions about PPR. Not sure if it’s because less 
funding is available elsewhere, or if people are more aware that they need the 
We setup up a small account of $1000 where student groups can apply for us to 
buy a film with PPR for them to do a screening. (Criteria: some educational 
purpose, not merely for entertainment)

Sounds like as much of your dilemma is internal funding structure as are the 
departments themselves.  Good luck.
I have to say that $650, it had better be for a great big public event not a 
single class.

Barb Bergman | Media Services & Interlibrary Loan Librarian | Minnesota State 
University, Mankato | (507) 389-5945 | 

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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