On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Tom Link <micat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Right.  For the near term, supporting unzipping using a pure-vimscript
>> solution isn't terribly likely, but it's definitely possible OOTB in
>> vims built with +python, for example.
> IMHO reliance on compiled-in +python support would make things even
> more complicate that relying on unzip being installed -- which maybe
> could be even shipped with vim? BTW the zip plugin work quite well,
> even when using bash under windows.

I was suggesting just the opposite - that we shouldn't *rely* on
+python, but that if python were available we wouldn't have to rely on
an external unzip.  Which may or may not be worthwhile - I guess it
depends on which supported platforms don't include an 'unzip' (win 9x?
Amiga?) and whether most binaries on those platforms have +python
(probably not, so the entire exercise might well be pointless).  I was
just pointing out a possibility that might be worth considering.  :-)

> BTW maybe a vba (zip-based or not) could include some sort of manifest
> file that includes not only a file list but also dependencies on other
> plugins? These manifests could be saved in, eg, ~/vimfiles/vimballs/
> manifests/ and be used for downloading the dependencies and for
> removing vimfiles (AFAIK the uninstall info is currently saved in a
> single file, which could cause minor conflicts when syncing vimfiles
> directories between several computers). Just a thought.

Sounds like a reasonable suggestion to me.


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