On Jun 13, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Tim Gray wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2012 at 05:49 AM -0400, Eric Weir wrote:
>> Somehow, when I was getting started with vim, I ended up with a vim 
>> installation to ~\ and a MacVim installation in \Applications. Before I 
>> started using vim-addon-manager I installed plugins to the vim installation.
> Do you have a Vim installation in ~/, or do you have your .vimrc and related 
> files in ~/?  They are two separate thigns.  By the former, I mean the actual 
> executable binary.  If you have that, no, you don't need it.  If it's the 
> latter (.vimrc, plugins, etc.), yes that's where MacVim expects to find that 
> stuff.  All versions of vim are going to look in your home folder (~/) for 
> configuration files, in addition to some other locations relevant for side 
> wide configuration.  But you should most likely stick with the home folder 
> spot.

Thanks for the clarification, Tim. I'm attaching a screenshot of my ~\.vim 
folders with all the folders open. It does not appear to me that I have the 
executable. All I see are remnants of plugins. [Including something that I 
suspect is the source of apparent conflicts regarding the current installation 
of a plugin in vim-addon-manager.]

Until now I'd been under the impression that MacVim was just a front end that 
uses the files in the ~\.vim folder. Inspecting the contents of the MacVim 
package led me to suspect that in fact the vim files, executables and all, are 
in it. That the folders in ~\vim are superfluous. 

And yes, my .vimrc is in ~\. I'm very clear that it's needed and that that's 
where it belongs.

>> If I'm using MacVim, do I actually need the separate vim installation? If 
>> not, and if I had reason to do a manual installation of a plugin---not very 
>> likely, but I'm curious---where would I put it?
> You would put it in ~/.vim/bundle if using any of the plugin managers that 
> expect to find plugins in the bundle folder.  If not using any plugin 
> managers at all, not even pathogen, then you still put the files in ~/.vim, 
> just distributed amongst the appropriate folders in ~/.vim, like 
> ~/.vim/plugin, ~/.vim/syntax, etc.

As indicated above, I use vim-addon-manager. I'll hang onto the ~\.vim folders 
in case for some reason I may want to do a manual install of a plugin. 

Thanks again.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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- Amos Oz

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