That's a new one on me, too. Only thing I can think of
would be a replacement case. Any Factory Exchange
markings? look for a VW symbol encircled by two
arrows, or an "X" at the end of the number.
The elephant symbol was common on OEM bearings.
Probably little chance of finding any engines over
there that still have their thermostats and linkage,
but those are getting rare world-wide so they're worth
looking for. There's an endless list of little odds &
ends I'd scrounge, things you don't realize the value
of until you go to buy a new one. Priced a wiper
switch lately?
Right now I know of a guy looking for the `69-only
front heater outlet control levers and cables. With
all the stuff I've accumulated over the last 40 years
I don't have any door checkrod pins & clips...

--- asad ishaque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
>       I searched around on thesamba engine code
> lists but the AF engine was not listed.
>       I have seen another engine with the code AV.
> Not on thesamba either. It was said to be a 1600 by
> the scrap yard guy. Came with single port heads and
> was taken off a 66 beetle. The Bug had been grounded
> for long and the motor was very very dirty. The guys
> tore it to a shortblock to inspect and found all
> things to be in great shape. The Big end bearings
> had VW part numbers and interestingly an elephant
> embossed on!
>      Any info on the AV code?? And whats an elephant
> doing in a VW engine???
>      On another note, I have discovered a horrible
> place at the local scrapyard where they just hack
> VWs and other classics to death and dispose off ALL
> the parts for weighing as scrap. Seen fenders
> hammered off, glass shattered to bits and engines
> hammered to smithereens. In such a sad scenario,
> what do you guys think is worth saving??? I figure I
> can get hold of parts for cheap. What should I look
> for to keep as spares???
>     Above may be a stupid question come to think of
> it!
>     There was a series of articles in the now
> defunct VW Trends which taught a lot on how to pick
> up engine parts from a scrapyard. I should dig those
> out.
> Best regards,
> Asad

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