Giovanni Santostasi <> wrote:

As we repeated many times it is never one thing with Rossi:
> 1) flowmeter working range is at higher rates that what claimed was
> observed by ERV
> 2) there is evidence pipe was half full . . .

> Any of these problems would be pretty serious by themselves but it is the
> multiple interconnections of this web of misdirections, lies, trickery of
> all kind that is what makes impossible for any real objective and rational
> person to accept any other explanation that Rossi did it again, one of his
> scams for which he went to prison before.

Exactly! Well said. People need to look at the totality of the evidence.
Also, they need to stop making ad hoc excuses for one thing after another.
One item on the list might be an honest mistake or it might have a
plausible explanation, but not all of them combined.

- Jed

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