But, Jones,

Is it LENR if it produces neutrons and gamma?

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 8:28 AM, JonesBeene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> And this wasn’t “fracto-fusion” which has been disputed, nor was it the
> Farnsworth Fusor (1964) which was labeled as “warm fusion”  (ICE).
> As we now know, LENR driven by a chemical reaction (combustion shock wave)
> was invented around 1980, probably in several places including the USA, for
> military uses. (tritium-free bomb trigger).
> In fairness to our friends from the North – it is time to acknowledge that
> LENR was invented, produced and well-document in Canada 35 years ago, well
> before it turned up in Utah. In fact, the Canucks  might not have been the
> first to do it, but so far as the online record is concerned, they have the
> belated honor of presenting the first report.
> Problem was, the experimental work back then (during the depth of the Cold
> War with Russia) was for done for weapons research - and our Pentagon
> effectively silenced the similar work in the USA. Of course, filing a
> patent was out of the question. This work (due to its application as a bomb
> trigger) was and still is – a huge proliferation risk.
> A typewritten report available online is entitled “EXPLOSIVE-DRIVEN
> 1. Glass at the University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace. There is no
> doubt about the importance of this work, or the high quality of the
> experiment - but it is seldom mentioned and does not appear on the
> LENR-CANR library.
> Google Scholar did publish the paper online some 30+ years later, but not
> many took notice of its significance. For one thing, this information
> upsets the common misperception that Pons and Fleischmann invented cold
> fusion. They did not, unless one wishes to redefine it in such a way that
> eliminates simple chemical reactions.
> That credit, which is nothing less than the discovery of LENR (using any
> reasonable definition of “low energy”) - should  in a perfect world – be
> attributed to Glass and Sagie. However, other researchers whose work was
> squelched by the Pentagon are probably out there. You can track down the
> large file (42 megs)  through this link.
> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1982PhFl...25..269G
> The University of Toronto (Aerospace) had at that time  a dedicated
>  “explosive-driven-implosion facility” and it  was used by Glass et al  to
> produce stabIe, centered and focused hemispherical implosions to generate
> neutrons from D-D reactions using only the energy of combustion.  This was
> a CHEMICAL REACTION only. The reaction was actually simply the result of a
>  self-generated shock wave from self-detonation of the pure deuterium gas
> in oxygen.
> A high resolution scintillator-detection system measured the neutrons and
> y-rays resulting from the fusion of deuterium. “Several approaches were
> used to initiate fusion in deuterium.
> The simplest and most direct proved to be in a stoichiometric mixture of
> deuterium-oxygen…”
> QUTOE: “this is the only known work where fusion neutrons were produced by
> chemical energy in a direct manner.”

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