Hi Jones,

Consider the possibilities resulting from the existence of a shrunken molecule:-

Deuterium molecules that had not shrunk far enough to fuse might easily be
confused with Helium. They are chemically non-reactive, and very close to the
same mass.

Those that have shrunk far enough to fuse, might fuse in their entirety adding 4
amu to the target nucleus, or they may only add a single deuteron to a target
nucleus, or they may contribute only a neutron (or proton). If the whole
molecules fuses the addition of two deuterons concurrently may well provide
sufficient energy to bring about a fission reaction so that the kinetic energy
is shared by the daughter products, again usually creating stable nuclei,
because the original target nucleus wasn't all that neutron rich to begin with.
(Note that science currently really only has experience with fission brought
about by single neutrons, which is why fission reactions are only seen with some
actinide targets - a single neutron only adds about 6-10 MeV to a nucleus, so it
has to be pretty unstable to start with if it is to fission. OTOH, a well
shrunken D molecule could add 20-36 MeV, making fission of much lighter nuclei
In each case, heavy particles are left behind which readily share momentum &
kinetic energy, so that the reaction is mostly "clean". 

The different sizes, and consequently differing reactions & reaction ratios,
available would provide an explanation as to why the "helium"/energy ratio is
difficult to pin down.

Neutron hopping from a shrunken deuterium molecule should happen very readily,
because the neutron is only bound in the deuterium nucleus by 2.2 MeV, whereas
the binding energy for most other nuclei is about 6-10 MeV. Furthermore the
shrunken deuterium molecule can get very close to other nuclei, possibly
reducing the tunneling distance by orders of magnitude, and thus increasing the
tunneling probability astronomically (it's insanely dependent on separation
distance). Shrunken deuterium *atoms* would also contribute to neutron hopping,
especially if the magnetic field of such an atom binds it to the magnetic field
of the target nucleus, causing it to "stick" long enough for tunneling to occur.

Given that the shrinkage process itself is also exothermic, *no* miracles are
required, only a set of circumstances that provide at least one shrinkage
catalyst. Both Lithium & Potassium can fill this role, and at least one of the
two was often present in early electrolysis based CF experiments.


Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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