
QM gauge is charge (Coulomb)- based. There is no way to explain condensation below Bohr radius with this method as all such attempts must violate the gauge.

In contrast to QM SO(4) physics gives the exact relation of forces/energies of spin-paired electrons, what is the first step of condensation of matter below Bohr radius. It's a shame that most physicists do not understand the structure of the nuclear magnetic field (e.g. given by Mills) and even use pure Coulomb law to derive a fictive charge radius (Holmlid UDH..) At about 2pm radius the classic 3D,t magnetic force is already stronger than the coulomb force and thus any model made by QM/coulomb only, is void by definition.

As the famous experiment with close to unlimited phase speed for photons shows any amount of energy can go into rotation = magnetic mass. Higher speed than c is only possible if the EM-mass takes a short-cut through higher dimensions. Already in SO(4) the speed up can be 32 for (5) single side rotations or 64 for double side. This is given by the space-energy metric.

Classic 3D,t physics with a separate  gravitational mass is a simplification of the reality that has no mathematical power to explain higher dimensional spin flux  as seen in super conduction. In SO(4) physics the gravitational mass can be exactly derived from the basic form factors and as it shows, gravitational mass is residual EM-mass - nothing more.

I personally expect that many old rules (e.g. about bosons, fermions..) that are based on the over simplified old terminology will disappear, as soon as people understand how to properly model matter.  A first step would be to unify the photon orbit structure with the in mater orbit structure for charge bound mass. Here SO(4) has the unique property that one side of the orbit can be open and connect to neighbor orbits what allows the loss-less exchange of spin-orbit energy. Classically this looks like "halve of a photon wave" would "attach" to the nuclear charge and the other halve is flowing on to the next nucleus. Such a model would also allow to calculate the critical temperature based on matching SO(4) orbit radii.


Am 03.05.2019 um 23:09 schrieb Axil Axil:

I agree that the electron cover forms a cloud around the positive core of the cluster. But the formation of a Bose condensate and associated superconductivity requires that the electrons must be converted to bosons. This occurs when the Ultra dense hydrogen is irradiated with the laser, or a spark or room lighting. This light source provides the photons that will entangle the electron cover to generate the Bosons in the form of polaritons. Polaritons will readily produce a bose condensate when their density reaches a critical level.

On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 4:49 PM JonesBeene < <>> wrote:

    Another possibility for LENR  is that dense hydrogen clusters
    configure themselves to  assume the “strange metal” state. The
     orbital electron becomes effectively unbound and  minimally
    associated with any single nuclepn. If the electrons then form
    into much denser Cooper pairs, due to the associated positive
    charge of the protons, then they should condense even further.

    I think the paper got this part partly right and partly wrong.
    QUOTE: electrons… may be organizing themselves into a “maximally
    scrambled” quantum state, in which the properties of each electron
    depend on those of every other. This state of maximum scrambling
    might allow the electrons to scatter off one another and spread
    energy as quickly as the laws of quantum mechanics permit.

    Most likely a “maximally scrambled” quantum state is an electron
    condensate. Since electrons are fermions they must first pair,
    which we know does happen.

    Perhaps this paper could be revised to include Cooper pairing
    followed by condensation.

    *From: *Axil Axil <>

    This new finding could have implications for the theory of LENR.
    There have been many and varied observations that Bose condensates
    behave just like black holes. Bose condensates are superconducting
    and coherent. Hydrides including ultra dense hydrogen are
    superconducting under high pressure. There could be a fundamental
    quantum mechanical based behavioral law at play that causes Bose
    condensates to mimic black holes. It could be this universal
    property of the universe that gives LENR its soul. It is this
    black hole like behavior: namely hawking radiation that may be the
    major source of power production related to the LENR reaction.

    Those strange tachyon like particles we call strange radiation or
    black EVOs that we see in LENR experiments could be
    superconducting, Bose condensate like, Plasmoids that produce the
    vacuum energy that we see in LENR. It all could be connected by a
    universal law called Planckian dissipation phenomenon.

    On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 3:03 PM Axil Axil <
    <>> wrote:

        Universal Quantum Phenomenon Found in Strange Metals

    It looks like black holes, superconductivity, the uncertainty
    principle, gravity, and the holographic universe are connected by
    an as not yet fully understood commonality: Planckian dissipation

Jürg Wyttenbach
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