You are certainly right Stephen, might does make right and land is always taken by force and retained the victor. We did it to the British, the Indians, and to the Mexicans while feeling very proud of ourselves. However, the situation with Israel is different. Here a higher moral principal is being claimed, i.e. God's will. We are to believe that the Jews are more favored than the Philistines by God and that the moral teachings of Christ allow such a conquest. This is not a normal conflict! In addition, even if we ignore the moral issue, the practical issue of Israel being able to survive while being surrounded by angry people who have access to rockets needs to be considered. Granted, Israel has won the pitched battles. But, will they win the war without compromise?


thomas malloy wrote:

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

R C Macaulay wrote:

Howdy Vorts,
Gosh, golly, gee folks, here we go again with the Jews and arabs. This time the "wedge" is oil. The USA uses oil like toilet paper and everybuddy knows wez intitled to it.. or we think we do. We have enough oil provided we turn off

This didn't endear the nascent nation of Israel to the locals, and doesn't seem to put the possession of the land of Israel on the firmest of legal footings. Oh, granted, God said it was theirs, so under God's law it's clear cut, but under international law it's rather hazier, I think; unlike God's law, international law doesn't technically recognize the principle of "might makes right".

I think that the principal of the gain of territory by military conquest is an established principal of international law. In particular, this applies to aggressors, who subsequently loose the war that they start. The problem is that people of a certain political persuasion don't want the rules to apply to the followers of Judeo Christian Civilization. IMHO, the Philistines repeated losses to the Israelis should tell you something, particularly since they out number them 10 to one.

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