Jones Beene wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mauro Lacy 
>> Please take into account that when Hotson says 'imaginary direction' you
> can read '4th spatial dimension'.
> Are you familiar with the Dirac concept of "reciprocal space"?

No, but I'll read about it. Reciprocal space sounds like a mirror space
to me. By example, using the fourth dimension, you can invert a
tridimensional sphere without breaking it. That is, you can put the
inside out and viceversa, through a rotation over a fourth dimensional
space, in the same way as you can invert a bidimensional figure by
rotating it in a three dimensional space. Reciprocal space then can be
understood as the mirror image of a n-dimensional space, rotated in one
higher (n+1) dimensional space.
> ... or rather, like so many things that have been updated in order to bring
> Dirac into the 21st Century, are you familiar with how this conception can
> be reconciled with a '4th spatial dimension'? (even if others have rejected
> that as a possible implication)

No, I'm not familiar with that at all(although I would read about it as
soon as possible). Anyways, see above for a possible method of
reconciliation or equivalence between these concepts.


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