On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

>  Am 17.11.2011 18:30, schrieb Joshua Cude:
> You dont know the DVR (German Association for Vacuumenergy) There are so
> many professors and doctors and engineers.
> Some emeritus, some still active. Can all these be in error? They all say
> it works and make money.

Yes, they can all be in error and/or be scamming.  Until the technology is
tested independently and the results are published in mainline peer
reviewed journals or announced by a reputable university department or a
national laboratory -- and even then, they could be in error but at least
would be unlikely to be a scam.

> Unfortunately Schneider at least had two times the misfortune, that the
> inventors made big management and business errors and where jailed.

...  or maybe he actually is a criminal?

> Its new technology and sometimes it goes wrong, who cannot understand this.

It can go wrong occasionally but if it goes wrong mainly when it's properly
tested, it's probably a scam.

> Everybody knows that free energy is politically surpressed.

Evidence?  Proof?  And how is it accomplished?  Seems to me with the
internet, it's easy to show anything you want to anyone you want to show it

> Many know this and support him.

Logical fallacy:  "appeal to popularity".  Also many people think HHO and
running cars on water and magnetic motors that get energy from vacuum are

> He himself is not touched from this and succeeds, possibly he is always
> acting as consultant and man in the middle and makes his money indirectly
> by stockexchanges and consultation fees.

Heh.  I bet he does, LOL.

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