Peter Heckert <> wrote:

 There are scientists that report much better results:
> citation:
> - Run #64b gave 1500% excess heat over a duration of 80 hours with a total
> excess energy of 4.6 Megajoules

Dardik's results are impressive, but they are not not "much better" than
Rossi's for several reasons:

Dardik et al. cannot reproduce their reaction as often or as easily.

They have far less control, as you see in the graphs here:

Output varies tremendously. It would be impossible to scale this reaction
up to kilowatt levels. It might produce nothing, or it might suddenly
produce a large burst of heat and explode, the way Mizuno's cell did, and
several others.

Output as a function of input varies tremendously, and the duration of heat
after death is uncontrolled.

The materials are much more expensive than Rossi's, and more difficult to

The device is much more complicated, delicate and it requires much more
overhead for ultrasound generation.

> So, why do they all stare at Rossi and his poor COP and questionable
> methods?

The methods are not questionable. They are imprecise, and somewhat crude.
Rossi's s/n ratio is better than Dardik. Rossi's reaction can be confirmed
by sense of touch alone, without instruments, without even measuring input
power (because it is physically impossible to input this much with these

- Jed

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