On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 4:36 AM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

>  There are scientists that report much better results:
> http://pages.csam.montclair.edu/~kowalski/cf/204israel.html
> citation:
> - Run #64b gave 1500% excess heat over a duration of 80 hours with a total
> excess energy of 4.6 Megajoules
> So, why do they all stare at Rossi and his poor COP and questionable
> methods?

Dardik has a colorful Wikipedia entry.  He was well regarded in medical
circles at one time because of his development of a vascular procedure.
However, his claims for therapy using his "wave energy" techniques has been
termed quackery and his medical license has been revoked if you believe the
Wiki.      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Dardik

This sort of claim "Unique to the ET experiments is the use of a new
understanding of wave modulation. Rather than dc, dc + ac, dc pulsed or
bi-level perturbation, the waveforms being subjected (successfully) to test
by ET employ waves fractally nested in a specific non-linear manner
designed to stimulate intrinsic oscillatory processes across a wide range
of scales. I call these SuperWaves©. When properly implemented SuperWaves
have been demonstrated to influence strongly processes in the realms of
physics, physical chemistry, metallurgy and also in physiology." from the
web page you cite, sounds like the sort of stuff one can read on Sterling
Allan's web pages.  Are there any credible and well written and done,
scholarly papers about SuperWaves?

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