On Dec 27, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 01:43 AM 12/27/2011, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

> I'll comment on it: he went on to say, but it isn't fusion.
> That's apparently because he's swallowed, lock, stock, and sinker,
> Widom-Larsen theory, and isolated, idiosyncratic attempt to "explain"
> LENR by coming up with even more preposterous hypotheses, none of
> which have been tested and shown to be of predictive value.


If you reject W-L theory, what would you regard as the most reasonable explanation for all of the transmutations reported? Is there a particular paper that you could recommend. I'm too overwhelmed by the complexity of
solid state reactions to take any side in the controversy.

Transmutations are not observed with any clean correlation with excess heat. Some experiments produce more, some less. Levels of transmuted products other than helium are produced at far lower levels than helium, many orders of magnitude lower.

This is far from true. Transmutation products have been detected by chemical means, and XRF. This requires large quantities of product. This is one of the great mysteries of LENR - the vast amount of nuclear reactions involved in heavy element transmutation, without the corresponding excess heat. It is explanation of this experimental observation that is one of the strong points of deflation fusion theory.

The initial energy deficits in heavy element transmutation, due to the trapped electron, are typically very large. This is due to the large positive charge of the heavy nucleus involved. See:


for many examples.  For Rossi E-cat related examples see:


The large initial energy deficit makes follow-on weak reactions likely, involving the trapped electron(s) when energetically favorable. Most of the reaction energy, about 99%, is carried away by neutrinos in the case of the follow-on weak reactions. This, plus the initial energy deficit, is why heavy element LENR often produces no observable excess heat. This was discussed with references on page 1 of:


This lack of corresponding heat from heavy element transmutation, required by and corresponding to the mass deficit change, is also why the huge amount of transmutation that occurs was such a surprise to Bockris and others when it was first observed. Explaining this is one of the strong points of deflation fusion theory. It is an even stronger argument for deflation fusion theory than the fact it also explains the change in branching ratios in D+D fusion, and the 10^-8 ratio of n/T observed in some LENR experiments.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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