I am an indistrial engineer and have no reputation in the cmns field.  I do
not care one way or the other.  I am connecting dots and visualizing.  I do
read alot of nerdy quantum mechanics stuff and my theory makes sense at
least to me.  The gremlins and chameleons are just for fun and

I do have a few beliefs:

23 years is way too long to come up with a good theory and engineered
product if it is real.

Meanwhile we are all aiding in throwing the thermodynamic balance of our
planet way out of whack with all the pollutants we are pumping into the
atmosphere. I have kids and i would like to leave them a planet that was
better then the way we got.  So far I would say NOT

Clean Nuclear fission and fusion don't appear to exist anytime soon.

Solar, wind and bio suck as a source of energy and is an economic step

On Wednesday, August 15, 2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:

> OK I will be serious.  I AM SERIOUS - we are birthing maintaining and
> evaporating micro black holes.  Not really a big deal because nature does
> it all the time.  I just did not realize until recently and I think they
> are everywhere.
> Sorry, lack of sleep.  Brian Ahern on CMNS did not like my humor either
> but did not openly disagree (yet) with my theory.
> I am not sure if the guys are collapsing H2, H+, or H- in those voids or
> the crosshair of that Papp engine (which I believe is Helium Ions).  I
> believe my theory might work for all three and just about any matter given
> enough oomph.  A singularity can carry a charge just like any other atomic
> structure.  Based upon LHC collision studies, the higher the kinetic energy
> at time of collision the greater the chance of collapse.  Throw in quantum
> gravity aiding you along with the hoop effect of a void or possible
> magnetic field squashing you at the same time and poof! singularity.  I am
> also thinking aligning all off those ions with the coil in the Papp engine
> makes them sometimes bounce off each other like pool balls with an additive
> effect on velocity & energy.
> Any upset in their thermodynamic balance or location in space should give
> them a fit and trigger the gremlin.
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Terry Blanton 
> <hohlr...@gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'hohlr...@gmail.com');>
> > wrote:
>> I can't tell when CE is serious anymore.
>> T
>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Jones Beene 
>> <jone...@pacbell.net<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'jone...@pacbell.net');>>
>> wrote:
>> > Ah, no … you better recheck
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > From: Chemical Engineer
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Atomic hydrogen carries an ionization charge last time I checked
>> >
>> >
>> >

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