This paragraph makes no sense to me:

"So, the LENR term is problematic due to such serious scientific reasons.
But there is one more problematic effect from the use of such wrong
definition: Certification of products based on such technologies when named
“nuclear”, will result the involvement of lobbies dominating the present
related Nuclear Authorities, that they will use any of their spades to
delay any improvement out of their control or interest, when the area of
interest and responsibility of such Authorities has nothing to do with the
phenomena we are talking about!"

The phenomenon is what it is. It makes no difference what you call it:
LENR, cold fusion or HENI-heat. It makes no difference what you claim the
theoretical explanation is. The actual explanation will eventually emerge.
It the effect is nuclear, then the present Nuclear Authorities must
regulate it. They are obligated by law.

If it is not nuclear, they will not regulate it. The opinions of the people
at Defkalion -- and their theories, and what they choose to call it -- can
play no role in the decision to regulate this, or not to regulate it. The
decision is entirely out of their hands. As I said, the authorities
are *obligated
by law* to regulate a nuclear effect. Defkalion, or Rossi, cannot change
regulations. The are not governments. They can lobby to have the law
changed. They can appeal to the public to put pressure on governments. But
they cannot magically change laws by using different terminology to
describe their technology. The true nature of the technology will be
established by having thousands of researchers examine the effects in
laboratory tests worldwide.

In my opinion, there is not the slightest chance this effect will be used
in any end-user application until thousands of laboratories have
replicated, confirmed that it is safe, determined whether it is nuclear or
not, and developed a working model if not a complete theory to explain it.
Society will not allow an unexplained, unknown source of energy that looks
a lot like nuclear fusion to be used in thousands of houses, buildings and
automobiles without regulation and without careful testing. Rossi -- and
apparently Defkalion -- seem to be betting that they can slide in under the
radar as it were, and start selling this profitably without first spending
billions of dollars to ensure safety. I think that is preposterous. That is
not how the world works in the 21st century.

Some people think it is a shame that our society is heavily regulated. They
prefer the 19th or early 20th century freedom to start selling things that
have not been carefully vetted and approved. In the early 1900s, people
sold water with lots of radium as a health drink. This killed the people
who drank it. Many other dangerous products were allowed back then. We are
never going to return to those freewheeling times. I agree that regulations
slow down the pace of progress, and some regulations are absurd, but
whether they are good or bad, I am sure they are not going away, and it is
not possible for Defkalion to do an end-run around them by renaming
the phenomenon.

Some people hope that cold fusion will get its start in places like India,
where regulators have little power. I doubt it. Regulators in India and
China have lots of power. Far too much. They are corrupt and will demand
more control and a larger kickback than they would in the U.S. They are not
responsive to public pressure on the legislatures.

This technology will be developed, certified safe and sold in the first
world -- the U.S., Europe and Japan -- or it will not be developed at all.
It will be developed like any other major innovation, with the full
cooperation, involvement and compliance of government regulators and
private regulators such as UL. Or it will not be developed at all.
Something as big as this will not be secretly, gradually introduced. It
will not be manufactured in cottage industry fashion, or bootstrapped by
Rossi. This is wishful thinking.

It is likely there will be opposition from existing energy producers and
nuclear regulators. If not at first, then later on. That opposition will
have to be dealt with by existing political mechanisms. Mainly by having
voters demand the Congress overrule existing interests. If the Congress
does not do that, we will not have cold fusion.

The Congress is dysfunctional. But not totally dysfunctional. It was
dysfunctional and deeply corrupt in the 1860s yet it managed to legislate
railroads into existence, and pay for them with Uncle Sam's money. (The
money was paid back with interest before the end of the century.) I am sure
that with enough pressure from the voters, the opposition will be defeated.
In the end, everything will depend on public opinion, and the will of the
people. There is no other way to defeat the opposition. There are no
shortcuts. There are no magic spells invoked by changing the name to

- Jed

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