after collaboration with Kresenn, he is working with LENR Cars CTO (Antoine
Guillemin) for a replication under Fleishmann Memorial open replication

If it succeed in a replicable toy experiment, it can convince.
I'm jusr afraid that it failed like Spawar replication kit... working but

2012/10/2 Jed Rothwell <>

> Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:
>> The most worrisome thing is that indeed Celani's quantum reactor does
>> resemble that of Rossi's, because he too refuses any independent
>> confirmation or replication of his technology . . .
> That is incorrect. He is assisting other people who are testing and
> independently replicating. He allowed the people at NI to replace all of
> his equipment with their own. They kept only the cell itself.
> - Jed

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