Kidding aside, I'm going to channel Mary Yugo here for a minute.

Back in Februrary, NanoSpire "...announced that its investigative study on
fusion created by cavitation in water has come to an end." (Dr. Storms is

These experiments apparently go back to 2007. If I understood the video
correctly the one in which the principals of the company were injured by
radiation was done in 2009. They say the produced a huge range of elements
up through transuranics. Years ago.

So I must be missing something here. Put up some shielding. Put some
detectors and live plants behind the shielding and run the device. Invite
people to come watch them fry. Put up a webcam. Whatever. It's not that
hard. The HUG guys in Minnesota are doing it. Or for that matter, scrape up
the remains and sell them. Lots of the elements in that wide range are
valuable. Transuranics are fantastically valuable.

Something. Note that none of these ideas compromise their IP in the
slightest. The HUG replication is not compromising Celani's IP related to
fabrication of the wire. So don't even start about how they're preserving
their valuable IP.

But no, nothing along these lines - just earth-shattering news of a
breakthrough in physics, with no reproduction instructions, no apparent
demonstration, and no attempt (that I can see) to extract economic value
from the consequences.  "Sorry, no. Not interested in a Nobel or in
boundless wealth. Happy to be a small IP holding company and keep chugging

Help me out here. What am I missing.


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Jeff Berkowitz <> wrote:

> Sorry, I cannot resist, though I'm sure it's appeared here before.
> *Buzz <>*: I need to repair my turbo
> boosters. Are you still using fossil fuels, or have you discovered
> crystallic fusion?
> *Woody <>*: Well, let's see, we got
> double-A's.
> Jeff
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> “Whatever it is, it seems that the presence of the metal/water surface is
>> important for this second effect to be self sustaining. It appears that
>> there is feedback which results in the projectile neither burrowing into
>> the metal or leaving the metal surface. I feel there is a clue here
>> somewhere”
>> Standard scientific doctrinaire says that the positive highly charged
>> ionic crystal will immediately gain electrons and become neutral in charge
>> when the crystal hits the substrate.
>> If this charge neutralization process does not happen, the positive ionic
>> charge is maintained almost indefinitely.
>> More interesting, LeClair says he has seen damage from these crystals in
>> his walls and in trees outside his windows.
>> Something is keeping these crystals charged.
>> If these crystals can be produced on demand and in mass in a handy
>> handheld system they would make for a formidable weapon; a disruptor beam.
>> We have until the 24th century to figure this thing out so that we can
>> keep to the “STAR TRAC” technology development timeline.
>> Cheers:       Axil
>> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:41 AM, Nigel Dyer <> wrote:
>>> Having discussed what he appears to have seen with Mark L, I ended up
>>> coming to the conclusion that there are possibly two separate effects that
>>> we may need to consider.
>>> First there is whatever it is that happens within the cavitation bubble
>>> that starts the process off.  In situations where cavitation causes damage
>>> to nearby surfaces this is probably the only effect in town.
>>> In LeClairs later experiment where there are score lines across the
>>> surface of metal, I suspect that there is a second self sustaining effect,
>>> possibly involving bow waves and casimir forces, although I was not left
>>> totally convinced by LeClair's casimir force explanation.
>>> Whatever it is, it seems that the presence of the metal/water surface is
>>> important for this second effect to be self sustaining.   It appears that
>>> there is feedback which results in the projectile neither burrowing into
>>> the metal or leaving the metal surface.   I feel there is a clue here
>>> somewhere
>>> Nigel
>>> On 11/11/2012 03:39, Axil Axil wrote:
>>>> I am interested in the possible association of
>>>> zero-point-energy/**electrostatic based supersonic shockwave
>>>> acceleration
>>>> processes that occur as a consequence of ionic crystal formation during
>>>> cavatation bubble collapse and the closely related plasma reaction in
>>>> the
>>>> Papp engine which might occur in the plasmoid formation process in heavy
>>>> noble gases.
>>>> The Plasmoid that is formed by the spark discharge in a noble gas mix
>>>> might
>>>> be analogous to what happens in the collapse of a single large
>>>> cavatation
>>>> bubble.
>>>> The Plasmoid both acts like and might be thought of as a manifestation
>>>> of a
>>>> single large collapsing cavitation bubble.
>>>> In more detail, what Mark LeClair has observed as positive ionic
>>>> crystallization formation in water that is catalyzed in the high
>>>> pressure
>>>> plasma generation during cavatation in water may also be happening in
>>>> ionic
>>>> positively charge  krypton and xenon crystal formation in the Papp
>>>> reaction.
>>>> I believe that this idea is justifiable since cavatation damage also
>>>> occurs
>>>> in liquid sodium and molten salt pumps at levels of up to ten times more
>>>> intense as is happening in water.
>>>> Positive ionic crystallization formation can happen in many types of
>>>> ionic
>>>> elements and chemical compounds in both liquids and gases.
>>>> Here is a recent YouTube based interview covering cavitation with Mark
>>>> LeClair.
>>>> In this interview, Mark LeClair believes that LENR happens in
>>>> cavatation.
>>>> But  a deeper level of abstraction is needed in his thinking.  LENR
>>>> actually is based on the action of positively charged ionic super-atomic
>>>> crystals.

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