I have to agree with Terry here.
As a hiring manager in the software industry (more specifically internet) over the last few years I've found it is more and more difficult to find adequate talent and or work ethic and motivation - especially amongst the younger generation.

There seems to be a prevaling sense of
entitlement in this generation.

I was forwarded this article recently discussing this very topic. Found it interesting in some ways as being a technologist my entire life it is written from the perspective of someone with a business/sales background.



On 01/29/2013 01:27 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
I am an engineering manager in the consulting engineer business.  I do
run across cultural nepotism occasionally; but, right now, there is a
shortage of good engineering talent.

In my business, money is rarely the issue . . . it is expertise.  I
have two large engineering firms to draw from, AECOM in the US and
Atkins in GB fortunately.

In our local group, most of the engineers are around 60 years old.
Most of us are systems engineers with communications and
transportation experience.  We are presently taking in kids right out
of school and training them; but, people who have a good work ethic
are getting hard to find.  There seems to be a prevaling sense of
entitlement in this generation.

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