Thank you.  I now have a better understanding the logic that has led you to
the slow-helium formation assumption.

On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Edmund Storms <> wrote:

The CR-39 measurements were not made when calorimetry was done. Therefore,
> we do not know if the alpha relates to heat production or not. In any case,
> so little radiation is detected that any associated energy would be too
> small to detect.

Does the statement "so little radiation is detected that any associated
energy would be too small to detect" apply to the so-called "hamburger"
exposures, where the chip is completely pitted?  Also, since no calorimetry
was made, it would seem that as far as the CR-39 experiments are concerned,
we have neither a basis for concluding that there is a large amount of
alpha flux when there is excess heat nor that there is a small amount of
alpha flux when there is excess heat (as you seem to be doing here).  It
would be really nice if someone could systematically measure the number of
pits while using decent calorimetry.

The logic is not complicated, although people keep making it complicated.
>  Once you accept this logic, my explanation gets much easier to understand
> and accept.  I have to wonder why people are willing to explore complicated
> reactions and complex logic while ignoring the most simple possibility.

In the assumptions that go into your hypothesis, there seems to be an
implicit model where at low energies you can sort of slide hydrons into one
another, with an attendant release of mass energy, and the behavior is
different than in the high energy case, where there will either be a
collision or they'll fuse.  I am reminded of the difference in how water
behaves when an object hits it with great force, and when the object is
allowed to slide into it or drop into it from a low height.  This
understanding of the electromagnetic force and of the nuclear force seems
to be implied by your hypothesis.  I find it a very intriguing approach --
it would be pretty neat if under the right conditions the hydrogen atoms
could be slowly pushed into one another, and only at high speeds do they
bounce away from one another and provide a lot of resistance.  But it will
be a long time before I'm willing to adopt this model as a working
hypothesis.  Even if I found it likely, I think it would be necessary to
eliminate other possibilities first, since it is such a departure from
current understanding of the strong and electrostatic forces, which, as I
understand it, are presented as static properties of the atoms that do not
vary with their speed relative to one another.


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