On Tue, 28 May 2013 16:46:34 -0700
"Andrew" <andrew...@att.net> wrote:

> Thank you for being straightforward on both points. 
> And now we definitively know that the cable itself is "secret".
> Of course, that will not bother the majority of people here. Move along, 
> nothing to see here.

I thought that what counted was the amount of power coming from
the mains, and the problem was whether or not Rossi had rigged
them so that there was 'hidden' power of some kind - DC or hf AC.

If the experimenters have ruled that out, and they have an
accurate idea of how much power is coming from the mains, what
difference does it make if the cable from the black box is secret,
or what the 'waveform' looks like?

The discussion here sounds like it has degenerated into a spat
about who knows more about electricity.

Whether or not they have ruled it out, nobody in his right mind
would let this single test convert him to a belief in lenr.

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