> From: mix...@bigpond.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 2:20:29 PM

> You left out a possibility:- The gas.

I suspect it's pretty thin, relatively speaking , both as a target for futon 
absorption (a technical term, laymen don't have to use it [note 1]) and heat 
capacity  (specific heat * mass). I think it's NAE-to-steel by futon, and then 
steel-to-nickel by radiation.

I'm not sure that NAE-to-H by futon, and H-to-Ni by conduction would be much 
different. It's a constant-temperature thermal bath either way.  A peek into 
the tube of the Penon version is equivalent to looking into the central cavity, 
which is in thermal equilibrium.

I think that NAE-futon-Ni will make the Ni to hot. It may happen accidentally 
(OCCASIONAL craters seen on SEM's) but it's not the norm.

ps I misread my own plot -- a 500C output has a 510C center --- except that I 
think that my thermal resistivity for ceramic is WAY too  low --  The Penon 
picture shows the center red hot and the outside black. (Could be an emissivity 
difference too).

[note 1] : From an ABC weatherperson. It's my current favorite phrase.

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