He should simply say, "I would bet 4 or 5 bucks based on my gut feeling".
***In essence, that's exactly what he did.  When he first came onto Vortex,
within a few short days he swung his estimate by 60 points, based on ZERO
news.  Then  he's swung a few pointspartially based upon 2 items that had
NOTHING to do with Rossi.  One of the items was a rumor until today.

   - STMicro patent (Increased about 4.5%) Nothing to do with Rossi.
   - Cherokee Investments (Increased about 2.5%)  Rumor at the time.
   - Rossi stating third party reports in March (increased 2%)  Big so what
   on this, he stated it months ago.
   - Lack of news from Defkalion (-1%) Nothing to do with Rossi.

QED, he based it all on gut feeling.  It's amazing that a gut feeling can
be "accurate" to within 1/2 a % one day, but off by 60 points just a few
weeks earlier.

It reminds me of a woman who said she was willing to drive 12 miles to a
restaurant but not 12 & a half.  But on the way to the restaurant, she
detoured to buy a dress, travelling 40 miles out of her way.  It's no big
deal until she starts insisting on how rational she supposedly is.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is just his internal measuring stick.
> I get it. I am just kidding.
> To be fair, he has to put some dollar value on a bet, and it happens to be
> $4.30.
> I think it is silly to say "this is the likelihood" expressed as a
> percent. He should simply say, "I would bet 4 or 5 bucks based on my gut
> feeling." There is nothing wrong with that. People with good intuition make
> a lot of money betting.
> - Jed

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